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1. Who is LUMI IP, and where are they located?LUMI IP is an Intellectual Property (IP) law firm based in Bern, Switzerland. They offer a range of IP services, including preparation and prosecution of patent and trademark applications. You can find them at Rodtmattstrasse 45, CH-3014 Bern.
2. What services does LUMI IP provide?LUMI IP offers a wide range of IP services relating to: · Industrial designs · Licenses & contracts · IP litigation & dispute resolution · IP portfolio management · IP strategy planning · IP training · Patents · Trademarks
3. What industries does LUMI IP specialize in?LUMI IP specialises in various industries, including: · Electronics · Horology · Image Processing · Mechanics · Medical Devices · Software · Telecommunications
4. How can I contact LUMI IP for a consultation?You can contact LUMI IP through their email at or by phone at +41 31 508 04 32. They offer a free initial consultation.
5. What is LUMI IP's philosophy regarding their services?LUMI IP is committed to providing high-quality, client-focused, and cost-effective services. They prioritise quality, client satisfaction, and transparency in their work.
6. How does LUMI IP handle costs and pricing for their services?LUMI IP aims to provide cost-effective services by offering attractive fixed rates, avoiding unexpected fees, and keeping overheads low. They believe in total transparency when it comes to costs.
7. What languages does LUMI IP's team speak?LUMI IP's team members are multilingual, speaking English, French, German, Spanish, Finnish, and Swedish.
8. Can LUMI IP assist with patent drafting and prosecution?Yes, LUMI IP offers patent drafting and prosecution services, as well as prior art search services and post-grant services.
9. Does LUMI IP provide trademark registration services?Yes, LUMI IP offers trademark filing services, as well as post-registration services.
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